Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Funny Headlines!

I opened the newspaper one day last month
this is the headline that I saw:

Now, I don't know what YOU would have done...
but I was a bit concerned.

Several questions came to mind:

1. Why was this important in OUR local newspaper?  Did this mean that WE were going to somehow be INVOLVED in an attempt to set a record for the number of hearses arriving in hell?

2. And, were they looking for volunteers for this effort???

3. And, who is the poor reporter that had the Hell beat to do stories about? How did (s)he make it out alive to come back to give us these headlines?

4. I'm curious.  How do they GET the hearses into (and more importantly: OUT of) hell?

5. I had NO IDEA they had Guiness records kept in Hell too. But it stands to reason, right?

6. I knew that our winters in Michigan are HELL, but to actually have a State Update in our newspaper about hell hearse record attempts pretty much confirmed that we might have a close relationship sometimes.  Curiously, I really haven't seen many headlines in the State updates about heaven, so what is up with THAT...???!!

7. So, I had to read the entire article.

So, I better show you the REST of the article,
so you know what it was really about:


So glad THAT was cleared up.

Yes, we actually have a town in Michigan called Hell, Michigan.

(How'd you like to be a Pastor THERE???)

Although, they do a RECORD number of postcard sales in that little town.

(I think I might want to stop reading headlines for a while.................)

P.S. The U.P. has a little town called Paradise, while downstate has a town named Hell.
I think not. (heehee)

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