Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cedar Waxwings!!

Today, we will take a small break from all the tropical Florida pictures
and get back to the U.P. , with snow still on the ground!

One day, as I was getting ready for the day, fixing my hair in the bathroom,
I heard quite a lot of bird noises right outside my window.

I opened the blinds and discovered that a flock of Bohemian Waxwings
had flown into our apple trees and were in a frenzy
eating some frozen apples that were left in the crooks of the trees by our Psycho Squirrel
They were even digging in the snow at the bottom of the apple trees to reach fallen apples there.

So, I did whatever crazy photographers do, and grabbed some sweatpants and went outside on my front porch and captured some photos of them with my camera.
I had to sneak out there, because they were pretty skiddish about  people, but I had such fun trying to capture them while they were all eating.

"Now hear this...this is officially MY apple!":

I love their feathery headcrests....

And that FACE!!:

Excuse me, Fella..but you seem to have some apple on your beak...

Their wing markings are beautiful!:

"Hey you!...Yes, YOU!! Can we eat in peace now?":

Struttin' his stuff:

An action shot!:

By the looks of that fluffy belly, umm..maybe he better lay off the apples for a while....:
Spring is almost here, and I can't wait to see all the other birds return!

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